HIGH-TECH SOLUTIONS FOR CONTROLLED PLANT GROWTH Pure-Tech for Controlled Environment Agriculture
With innovations and sustainable technological solutions, we are finding answers to the burning questions of our time: How do we protect the climate? How do we produce more renewable energy and conserve critical resources like land and water? How do we get food to where it is needed without using long transport routes?
Due to climate change, it is becoming increasingly important to use natural resources such as land, water and nutrients sparingly and efficiently. In agriculture, this is achieved by consistently combining protected outdoor cultivation and indoor farming with renewable energies. Customers of the technology company MABEWO benefit from innovative and safe processes in the cultivation of food, feed and phytopharmaceuticals. Circular economy with the use of waste for energy generation is also an element of our vision MABEWO - Make a BEtter WOrld.

«It isn't too late to do what’s right.»

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